1. When RONALDO scores he
at himself. When MESSI scores he
points up,
2. RONALDO will do 5 skills to beat
1 player. MESSI will do 1 trick to
beat 5 players.
3. RONALDO is compared to
Messi.. While MESSI is compared to
Pele and Maradona.
4. RONALDO shoots where MESSI
would have passed to better
positioned player.
5. RONALDO is hungry for
individual success, MESSI plays for
the success of the team as a
6. Girls like RONALDO for his Good
Looks, they like MESSI for his Good
7. RONALDO scores goals, MESSI
Breaks World Records.
8. RONALDO plays because he
loves fame, MESSI plays because
he loves the game.
9. RONALDO will make your DAY!
MESSI will make your HISTORY!
10. RONALDO is Good, but MESSI is
the best.
Agree or Disagree
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